Music Psychotherapy / Music Therapy / Counselling

We all struggle with the many challenges that life throws at us. Sometimes we cope on our own, sometimes we need friends and family to help us through and sometimes we need something more.

Seeing a therapist/counsellor can be a great way to make sense of what has happened to us in the past, to understand what is affecting our lives in the present and to find a way to live life to the full.

My role as a therapist is to listen to your story, understand what you need and work with you to meet these needs.

Although I am registered as a music psychotherapist, I use a wide range of tools and theories in my work. This is often called an integrative approach (click here for more information).

We may choose to use creative methods (such as music, image making, movement or creative writing). We may talk things through or use specific techniques to frame your thoughts and feelings. Whatever happens in a session is your choice - you will not be made to do anything or explore anything until you feel ready to do so.

If this sounds like it might be helpful, feel free to get in touch. Drop me an email, leave me a voice message or send me a text. We can then have a chat about what you need, availability and cost. There’s no pressure to take it any further than that.

I look forward to hearing from you and sharing your story.